DbSchema 8.1.9 Windows / Linux / macOS Free Download

DbSchema is a tool for drawing diagrams and building queries for relational databases. This useful tool with all relational databases like MySql, MariaDb, Postgresql, SqlServer, Oracle, Db2, and more. Additionally MongoDB and Cassandra are compatible. DbSchema enables users to keep track of changes made to Skima by source controls such as git and svn. Multiple tables at once). There are also other tools for building queries, rendering random data for tables, forms, reports, etc. This software has a lot of applications for all programmers and database managers.
Features and Features of DbSchema Software:
- Interactive diagrams and the ability to edit tables, columns, table keys through the diagram
- Simple display and relational data editor (ability to display multiple table data at once and filter data)
- Compare different schims together
- Making Queries Visually
- Documentation in HTML5 format
- Ability to build schims offline without the need for a database connection
- Creating reports and forms
- Build random data for tables
- The ability to reverse engineer database schims
- SQL scripts editor with syntax highlight for readability
- Ability to import text data, excel, comma separated text files into database
- Full support for mobgoDB database
- And …
required system
DbSchema can connect via JDBC drivers to all SQL databases + MongoDB.
DbSchema can run on all operating systems: Windows, Linux, MAC.

Installation guide
Registry software using serial in text file.
download link
Download DbSchema_8.1.9_Windows
File password (s): Download Here
Windows version: 152 MB
Linux Version: 195 MB
Mac OS Version: 152 MB
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