WebSupergoo ABCocr / ABCpdf 11.302 / ImageGlue 7.501 Free Download - Free Premium Software

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WebSupergoo ABCocr / ABCpdf 11.302 / ImageGlue 7.501 Free Download

WebSupergoo ABCocr / ABCpdf 11.302 / ImageGlue 7.501

WebSupergoo offers good products for Windows websites and servers. The company was founded in 1999 and now has more than thousands of customers, with its major business partners, such as Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard. The package contains three valuable components for .NET programmers, including:

ImageGlue .net: Provides the ability to create, edit and manage high-quality images for your website. This product box is a complete tool for making images dynamically. You can easily communicate with this component in C #, VB, or ASP. This component is fully developed on the basis of FCL .NET classroom classes. It has 80 image formats, such as BMP, PNG, TIFF, JPEG / JFIF, GIF, Photoshop, QuickDraw PICT, Targa, PDF, EPS, Macromedia Flash ™ 5, QuickTime Image, Silicon Graphics, MacPaint, FlashPix and JPEG2000.

ABCocr .net: An interesting component for supporting OCR or optical chaWebSupergooracter recognition. The stability of this component is very high, so with crash and bug, and so on, ABCOCR brings a high level of speed and productivity to the programmers with the power of multi-core processing.


ABCpdf .net: A great component for creating PDF documents dynamically. With the ability to convert HTML files to PDFs with CSS support, some of the important features of this component are: support for PDF / AT documents, support for large and large PDF documents, optimization And reduce the size of documents, PostScript compatibility for EPS and EPS, support for Word, Excel and PowerPoint, XPS support, WPF, various effects for images and many other features.

WebSupergoo has designed websites to test the capabilities of these components, which you can see here . It’s worth noting that all WebSupergoo products are properly documented and you’ve got a problem with everywhere you can easily solve your problem by looking at the documentation.

required system

Windows Vista • Windows Vista 64-bit • Windows 7 • Windows 7 64-bit • Windows 8 • Windows 8 64-bit • Windows 10 • Windows 10 64-bit



Installation guide

Use the Serial Serial.txt file to register software.

Download link (new version at top of list)

Download WebSupergoo_ABCpdf_DotNET_11.302_x86

Download WebSupergoo_ABCpdf_DotNET_11.302_x64

Download WebSupergoo_ImageGlue_DotNET_7.501_x86

Download WebSupergoo_ImageGlue_DotNET_7.501_x64

Download WebSupergoo_ABCocr_DotNET_3.0.1.4

Password (s): Download Here


130 + 70 + 40 MB

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